Albert Einstein once said: "If I have an hour to solve a problem, I spend 55 minutes on the problem and 5 minutes on the solution." This approach...
Editors choice
UX Writing vs Copy Writing: What’s the difference?
In the digital world we live in, words are more powerful than ever. They guide you through apps, inform you on websites and persuade you in...
What does a UX Writer do?
In my article "Who does what in UX? A detailed look at the roles and their contributions", I presented the various tasks and responsibilities in the...
What does a UI designer do?
In my article "Who does what in UX? A detailed look at the roles and their contributions", I presented the various tasks and responsibilities in the...
Who Does What In UX? A detailed look at the roles and their contributions
Introduction Dive into the world of UX design, where it feels like there are more roles than herbs in KFC's chicken recipe. Each role promises to...
Colorblindness in UX design: guidelines and tools
Imagine you are waiting at traffic lights. For most people, it goes without a doubt that red stands for "stop" and green for "go". But what if you...
Accessibility testing: tools and methods for UX designers
Accessibility is playing an increasingly important role in the world of user experience (UX) design. This importance will be reinforced by the...
What is Atomic Design?
"We're not designing pages, we're designing systems of components." - Stephen Hay Unlike "flat design" or "material design",...