Accessibility testing: tools and methods for UX designers

by | Dec 24, 2023 | Accessibility, Editors choice

Accessibility is playing an increasingly important role in the world of user experience (UX) design. This importance will be reinforced by the upcoming legal changes, in particular the Barrier-Free Accessibility Reinforcement Act, which will come into force from 2025. This law requires websites that offer electronic services to be designed and implemented in an accessible way. A development that not only underlines the need for accessibility, but also highlights the responsibility of UX designers to make digital products accessible to all users.

What is accessibility?

Accessibility refers to the design and development practices that ensure digital products and services are accessible to people with different abilities. This includes people with disabilities such as visual, hearing, mobility or cognitive impairments. Accessibility means designing websites, apps and other digital interfaces so that they can be used by everyone, regardless of individual physical or cognitive abilities. The aim is to create an inclusive user experience that does not create barriers, but offers equal opportunities and accessibility for all.


The basics of accessibility testing

Accessibility testing is a crucial step in the design and development process of digital products. It aims to ensure that websites, applications and other digital interfaces are accessible to people with a wide range of abilities. These tests are not only a matter of compliance with standards and laws, but also an expression of commitment to inclusion and equal opportunities.


What is assessed during the accessibility check?

Accessibility testing assesses various aspects of a website or application to ensure that it is accessible to all users.

These include

  • Visual accessibility: this ensures that content is accessible to users with impaired vision or color blindness. This includes checking contrast ratios, text sizes and the use of alternative text for images.
  • Auditory accessibility: This deals with accessibility for users with hearing impairments. This includes, for example, subtitles for videos or the provision of transcripts for audio content.
  • Motor accessibility: This is about usability for people with limited fine motor skills. Elements such as keyboard navigation and the avoidance of time limits for certain actions are essential here.
  • Cognitive accessibility: This aspect concerns user-friendliness for people with cognitive impairments. This includes clear navigation, understandable language and consistent layouts.


Important accessibility standards

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the international standard for web accessibility. They provide detailed guidelines in different levels of conformance (A, AA and AAA) that help to achieve a high level of accessibility. These guidelines are not only relevant for compliance with laws such as the Accessibility Enhancement Act, but also for creating an inclusive user experience.


Challenges in accessibility testing

One of the biggest challenges in accessibility testing is the diversity of user needs. Every user has individual requirements and preferences, which means that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. In addition, technology is constantly changing, which means that accessibility practices need to be continuously adapted and updated.


Automated tools for accessibility testing

Automated tools play an essential role in accessibility testing. They provide an efficient way to identify common accessibility issues on websites and in apps. These tools can quickly analyze large amounts of code and highlight typical errors that could affect accessibility.


Popular automated tools

Some of the best-known tools in this area are

  • WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool): A comprehensive tool that provides feedback on accessibility issues directly in the browser. It highlights problems and offers practical suggestions for solutions.
  • AXE: A browser plugin and development toolkit that can be easily integrated into existing test environments. AXE is known for its accuracy and ease of use.
  • Google Lighthouse: An automated tool that is integrated into Google Chrome and performs accessibility checks as well as performance.


Areas of application and limitations

Automated tools are particularly useful for finding obvious errors such as missing alt texts or insufficient color contrasts. They are a good starting point for accessibility checks and can help to standardize and speed up the process.

However, it is important to note that these tools have their limitations. They cannot capture all accessibility issues, especially those that require subjective interpretations or specific user experiences. For example, they cannot assess how well the content is understandable for people with cognitive impairments.


Integration into the design process

The integration of automated tools into the regular design and development process is crucial. They should be used early in the development cycle to identify accessibility issues before they are deeply embedded in the product. Continuous testing throughout the design and development process helps ensure that accessibility is considered from the outset, rather than as an afterthought.



Manual methods of accessibility testing

While automated tools are an essential part of accessibility testing, manual methods are essential to gain an in-depth understanding of the accessibility and usability of a website or app. These methods make it possible to capture the nuances and more complex aspects of accessibility that automated systems may miss.


Step-by-step guide for manual testing

  • Keyboard navigation: Check the website or app using the keyboard only. Make sure that all interactive elements are accessible and usable.
  • Screen reader tests: Use screen reader software to test accessibility for blind and visually impaired users. Pay attention to how content is read out and whether all relevant information is conveyed.
  • Color blindness simulation: Use special tools or browser extensions to test how your content looks to users with different types of color blindness.
  • Cognitive walkthroughs: Conduct cognitive walkthroughs to assess usability for people with cognitive impairments. You should focus on the clarity of navigation, instructions and content.


Examples of manual testing methods

In addition to the techniques mentioned above, there are other methods, such as

  • Checking for language and text clarity: make sure that the text is easy to understand and that no unnecessarily complicated language is used.
  • Check for distractions and flashing: Make sure that there are no elements that could disturb users with photosensitivity.
  • Get feedback from users: Gather feedback from real users, especially those with various disabilities, to get a comprehensive picture of accessibility.


Importance and necessity of manual checks

Manual reviews are essential to ensure inclusive design. They allow designers and developers to truly understand and address the experiences and challenges of users with different disabilities. These checks should be seen as an integral part of the design process, not an afterthought.

Combined with automated tools, manual methods provide a comprehensive approach to ensuring accessibility and help to create digital products that are truly accessible to all.



Checklists and guidelines for accessibility

Checklists and guidelines are essential tools for UX designers to systematically ensure that their products meet accessibility standards. They serve as structured guideposts through the complex process of accessibility testing and help to achieve consistent and comprehensive results.

Introduction to accessibility checklists

  • Structured review: Checklists enable a methodical review of all relevant aspects of accessibility.
  • Documentation: They also serve as a documentation tool to record progress and compliance with accessibility standards.

Examples of useful checklists and guidelines

  • WCAG checklist: A list based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines that provides specific accessibility criteria.
  • A11Y Project Checklist: A user-friendly, community-based checklist that includes basic and advanced accessibility practices.
  • Customization of checklists to specific projects
    Project-specific requirements: Not all checkpoints are relevant to every project. Adaptation to the specific needs and goals of the project is therefore important.
  • Ongoing adaptation: Checklists should be updated regularly to take account of new findings, technologies and standards.


Integration into the design and development process

Early integration: Checklists should be integrated into the design and development process from the outset in order to identify and resolve accessibility problems at an early stage.
Team collaboration: Involving the entire team in the accessibility testing process promotes a shared understanding and commitment to accessibility.

Checklists and guidelines are therefore not only control tools, but also educational resources that increase awareness and knowledge of accessibility throughout the team. They form the backbone of an effective accessibility review process and are critical to creating accessible and inclusive digital products.


Future trends and developments in accessibility

The world of accessibility is constantly changing, driven by technological advances, changing legal requirements and a growing awareness of the importance of inclusion. Future trends and developments in this area will present both challenges and opportunities for UX designers.

New Accessibility Reinforcement Act for websites from 2025
Legal requirements: From mid-2025, websites that offer electronic services must be designed and implemented to be accessible. This legal change underlines the need for companies to intensify their accessibility measures.
Broader impact: The law is likely to have a ripple effect, impacting not only web service developers but also the wider digital product landscape.

Technological innovations
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: These technologies offer new opportunities to address accessibility challenges, such as automated image descriptions or improved personalized user experiences.
Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR): With the advent of AR and VR, new accessibility issues and opportunities arise, particularly in relation to immersive design and multi-sensory experiences.

Design for cognitive accessibility
Emphasis on cognitive limitations: Designing for users with cognitive impairments is expected to become increasingly important, requiring a deeper understanding of different cognitive needs.
Simple and intuitive user interfaces: Trends such as minimalism and easy navigation support cognitive accessibility and contribute to a more user-friendly experience.

Preparing for future requirements and standards
Ongoing education: UX designers must continually educate themselves to keep up with the latest trends, technologies and best practices.

Active community participation: Interaction with other professionals and participation in the accessibility community are essential to understanding current developments and requirements.

The future of accessibility in UX design will be characterized by innovation, legal changes and an increased focus on full inclusion. For UX designers, this means constantly adapting and integrating new knowledge to create digital experiences that are accessible and user-friendly for all.


Accessibility testing is an essential part of UX design that goes far beyond legal compliance. It embodies a profound commitment to inclusion and equality in the digital world. With the advent of the new Accessibility Reinforcement Act from 2025, the need to make digital products accessible to all users becomes even more pressing.

UX designers face the challenge of continuously educating themselves and adapting their practices to rapidly evolving technologies and user needs. The use of automated tools and manual testing methods combined with valuable feedback from users with disabilities provides a comprehensive approach to ensuring accessibility.

The future brings new challenges and opportunities, and it is the responsibility of UX designers to take advantage of these to create inclusive and accessible digital experiences. The pursuit of accessibility should not be seen as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to develop innovative and user-friendly solutions that enrich the lives of all users.

In this sense, it is crucial that UX designers see themselves as ambassadors for accessibility and actively contribute to making the digital world more inclusive and accessible for all.